Post Incident Drug and Alcohol Testing

The Benefits and Procedure of Post-Incident Drug and Alcohol Testing

In safety-sensitive careers, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is paramount. Among the strategies adopted by employers is post-incident drug and alcohol testing. In this blog, we’ll delve into the advantages of this testing approach and highlight the steps employers should take when conducting post-incident testing. We will discuss how this process contributes to promoting a workplace culture that prioritizes safety and awareness.

What is Post-Incident Testing?

Post incident drug and alcohol testing is to be completed after an accident/incident or near miss occurs on a worksite. If mechanical issues are ruled out from the cause of the event, post-incident testing is initiated. Each worksite has a clearly defined policy/procedure regarding post-incident testing requirements. It is essential that all parties are aware of the specific testing requirements.

What to Expect During Post-Incidents

If an incident occurs on a job site that is deemed unsafe, causes injury or damage to equipment or the environment it may trigger the need for post-incident drug and alcohol testing. At Commodore Solutions, we understand the workload and stress associated with workplace incidents. Our booking process for such testing is simple and effective. Here’s how it works:

The steps to book such testing with Commodore Solutions are as follows:

  • Text or call Commodore Solutions at 587-832-4441.
  • We will inquire about the following information:
        1. Name of company
        2. Name of supervisor booking the test
        3. Name of employee being tested
        4. Contact phone number and email
        5. Type of testing required
  • An immediate testing time will be arranged. Post-incident testing requires immediate attention.
  • The employee should ALWAYS be transported by a supervisor, company representative or a transportation service, as this is a safety issue.
  • Ensure that the employee has a valid government issued photo identification. It cannot be torn, broken or expired.

If you require a collector to come to your work site, we can organize this in certain situations. Results will be sent immediately to the company representative (DER) for a timely return to work.


Benefits of Post-Incident Testing

The benefits of post incident testing include:

Enhancing Safety: Post-incident drug and alcohol testing is instrumental in maintaining a safe and secure work environment. By identifying any substance-related factors contributing to an incident, employers can take corrective actions to mitigate future risks, prioritizing employees’ safety.

Deterring Substance Use: The process of post-incident testing acts as a powerful deterrent against substance use in the workplace. Employees are more likely to prioritize safety and refrain from engaging in risky behaviors, knowing they may be subject to testing following an incident.

Boosting Productivity: A safe work environment fosters productivity and efficiency. By addressing substance abuse issues through post-incident testing, employers create an atmosphere where employees can focus on their tasks without distraction or concern, leading to improved productivity.

Ensuring Compliance: Post-incident testing helps employers comply with regulatory standards and safety protocols. Conducting testing in a consistent and transparent manner ensures adherence to occupational health and safety guidelines.

Procedure for Employers

Establish Clear Policies: Develop comprehensive policies outlining the procedure for post-incident drug and alcohol testing. Communicate these policies to all employees and ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities.

Immediate Response: Following an incident, initiate testing promptly. While immediate testing is ideal, prioritize employees’ well-being, particularly if medical attention is required.

Select Testing Method: Choose appropriate testing methods based on industry standards and regulatory requirements. When booking with Commodore Solutions, ensure that all parties are aware of the specific testing requirements, including specific drug panels and method of testing- urine/oral fluid, and POCT or lab-based.

Result Reporting: Test results will be promptly sent to the company representative (Designated Employer Representative – DER) to facilitate a timely return to work for the employee.

Offer Support and Rehabilitation: Provide support and resources for employees who test positive for drugs or alcohol. Offer access to counseling, rehabilitation programs, and assistance with addressing underlying issues, emphasizing a supportive approach. Commodore Solutions has access to substance abuse professionals to assist with employee support.


Post-incident drug and alcohol testing is a vital component of workplace safety management, offering numerous benefits for employers and employees. By following a clear procedure and embracing a proactive approach to substance abuse prevention, organizations can create a culture of safety, and promote employee wellbeing. At Commodore Solutions, we take pride in assisting companies efficiently and effectively throughout the post-incident testing process.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your occupational health and safety programs, please contact us.

Respirator Mask Fit Testing

Quantitative Respirator Mask Fit Testing

Quantitative mask fit testing acts as a highly accurate method to gauge the efficiency of a respirator mask’s seal, offering precise measurements crucial for optimal protection. We offer testing for half-masks, full-facepieces, CBRN/Gas masks, powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs), and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs). All tests are completed with our AccuFIT9000™ which conforms to CSA Z94.4 testing standards.

The Process of Quantitative Fit Testing

During a quantitative fit test, the individual wears the mask and connects to a measuring device that assesses particle concentration both inside and outside the mask. While engaging in a series of exercises, such as deep breathing or head movements, the machine calculates the leakage rate. This data is then utilized to determine the fit factor, offering a measurable evaluation of the mask’s effectiveness in preventing the entry of airborne particles.

Industries Requiring Quantitative Mask Fit Testing

Various industries, from healthcare to construction and manufacturing, prioritize the safety of their workers’ respiratory health. Quantitative fit testing is a crucial method used to make sure that masks effectively protect against airborne particles. According to the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation, “If respiratory protective equipment is used, employers are required to provide the appropriate equipment, maintain and store it properly, and ensure that it is properly fitted to the individual worker. Where the efficiency of respiratory protective equipment depends on a facial seal, the employer must ensure that the wearer is clean shaven where the respirator seals to the skin of the wearer’s face” (“Respiratory Protective Equipment: An Employer’s Guide,” 2020, p. 2).

Frequency and Maintenance

According to OHS guidelines in Alberta, fit testing must be completed:

  • When the respirator is first issued
  • At least every two years if there is no change in the wearer or respirator itself
  • If there’s a change in the make, design, brand, or size of the respirator you’re using
  • If there is a change to the wearer’s weight, face shape, or dental work that could affect respirator fit

(2020, March). Respiratory Protective Equipment: An Employer’s Guide. OHS Resource Portal.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your occupational health and safety programs, please contact us.

Court Ordered Drug Testing

Court Ordered Drug Testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing
Court Ordered

In certain legal situations, court ordered drug and alcohol testing becomes a crucial tool in ensuring accountability and compliance. At Commodore Solutions, we offer a range of tests that meet specific legal requirements and provide necessary evidence for court. These tests include Urine Testing (POCT & Lab), Hair Testing, Nail Testing and ChildGuard Testing. Each of these tests offer a variety of panels. A panel refers to the specific set of drugs or substances being tested. Various organizations, including legal authorities, employers or specific job sites might have distinct requirements for the drugs needed to be screened during your test. Prior to selecting your panel, it is essential to inquire about any particular substances that need to be tested. We recommend visiting our website to identify which panel is suitable for the specific substances that are necessary for your particular situation.

Urine Testing (POCT or Lab)

Urine testing is an effective and widely recognized method for detecting the presence of drugs or alcohol in a person’s system.


POCT (Point of Care Testing) urine testing offers instant results to reveal if there are any drug metabolites present in an individual’s system. We collect all samples within our clinic and results are available on the spot. Although the POCT test does not measure the quantity of a drug in the urine, it does establish the presence of the drug. At Commodore Solutions, we offer a variety of POCT testing panels ranging from 7 to 14.


Lab based urine tests are collected in our clinic and processed in a SAMHSA certified laboratory. Similarly to POCT, we offer a range of different panels (7-14) for lab based urine testing. If results come back positive, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will determine whether the drug can legally be present in the donor’s system. The MRO will contact the donor directly and discuss any prescription medications, the dosage, prescribing physician, etc. It will not be considered a positive test if a valid prescription is present.

Window of detection: Urine testing offers insights into a person’s drug history ranging from approximately 24 hours to one week for most drugs. This excludes THC, which can stay in one’s system for up to 30 days or longer. The window of detection depends on many factors including the amount of substance used, concentration in the product used, frequency and length of time the substance was used for, as well as the donor’s physical health/ metabolism.

Court-ordered urine testing, whether performed on site with Point of Care Testing (POCT) or in a certified laboratory, can provide timely and accurate results for cases involving child custody, probation, or legal disputes.

Hair Testing

Hair testing has gained prominence as an effective method to detect drug and alcohol use. It records a person’s long term substance use by capturing biomarkers within the hair as it grows. During a hair test, a sample containing multiple strands of hair, closest to the scalp, is collected and analyzed to detect drug or alcohol metabolites that may be present. The sample must be 1.5 inches in length and contain around 200 strands of hair. The donor’s hair cannot be chemically bleached, dyed, or contain any hair products. This method is easy to collect, challenging to tamper with, and convenient to send for analysis. At Commodore Solutions, our selection includes hair testing panels that span from 5 to 19.

Window of Detection: Hair testing provides a history of drug and alcohol use over an extended period, typically within 90 days or 3 months.

Due to the longer window of detection, hair testing is particularly valuable in legal cases that require a comprehensive historical overview of substance use, such as child custody disputes or probation compliance.

Nail Testing

Nail testing is similar to hair testing but uses nail samples to detect the presence of drugs or alcohol. Since both nails and hair are made up of keratin, as the nail grows, substances can pass from the blood vessels underneath the nail, into the keratin fibers of the nail where they become trapped. During collection, fingernails are clipped and collected by the donor in front of one of our trained staff members. Samples require clippings of 2-3 mm in length from all ten fingernails, equaling out to about 100 mg. Similarly to hair testing, Commodore Solutions provides nail testing panels from 5 to 19.

Window of Detection: Nail testing offers an alternative method to hair testing in providing a historical perspective on substance use. Biomarkers on the nail can be detected as early as 1-2 weeks after the ingestion of alcohol or drugs. Since fingernails are typically thicker than a strand of hair, nail testing offers a longer window of detection, approximately between 3-6 months.

Court ordered nail testing is often used in child custody cases and legal proceedings.

ChildGuard Testing

Substance abuse in adults can hinder the well-being of children. It can lead to abuse, neglect, violence and other vulnerabilities. Detecting these harmful environments is crucial for a child’s safety. ChildGuard is a unique drug test designed to identify environmental exposure to drugs by differentiating between native drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples. While drug metabolites are only present in the body if the drugs have been consumed, children in drug-exposed environments typically do not use drugs themselves, resulting in the absence of metabolites during testing. Unlike traditional hair tests that report a positive result when metabolites are detected, ChildGuard reports a positive result when either native drugs or metabolites are found. This provides a more comprehensive understanding of the child’s environment. This test distinguishes between both native drugs and drug metabolites in hair specimens. Commodore Solutions offers ChildGuard testing with panels ranging from 5 to 10.

Window of Detection: ChildGuard can reveal evidence of substance exposure in a child’s surroundings within the past three months. A positive ChildGuard test indicates that the donor has had contact with drug smoke, sweat, or skin oil from an active drug user, the actual drug itself, or accidental or intentional ingestion of drugs.

ChildGuard, an environmental hair exposure test, is an important tool in testing when other non-exposure drug tests fall short. This forensic test for environmental drug exposure is the only one of its kind.

At Commodore Solutions, we understand the sensitivity and importance of court-ordered testing. Our comprehensive testing options, including Urine Testing (lab or POCT), Hair Testing, Nail Testing, and ChildGuard Testing are all designed to meet legal standards and provide accurate results for court proceedings.


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To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Drug Testing for Truck Drivers

Dump Truck Driver on job site

Navigating Drug Testing for Truck Drivers: A Crucial Safety Measure

The transportation industry plays a pivotal role in keeping goods and supplies moving across the country. To ensure the safety of our roads and highways, drug testing for truck drivers, as mandated by the Department of Transportation (DOT), has become a standard practice. In this blog post, we will delve into why drug testing is essential for truck drivers, the types of drug tests administered, the frequency of testing, and whether it’s mandatory.

Why Do Truck Drivers Have to Be Tested?

Safety First: The safety of everyone on the road is paramount. Drug testing helps ensure that truck drivers are not impaired by substances that can affect their ability to operate heavy vehicles safely. Impaired driving due to drugs can lead to accidents, injuries, and loss of life.

Regulatory Compliance: DOT regulations, particularly those under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), require drug testing for truck drivers. Compliance with these regulations is necessary to maintain a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL) and continue working in the industry.

Company Policies: Many trucking companies have their own drug testing policies to maintain a drug-free workplace. Drivers must adhere to these policies as a condition of employment.

What Types of Drug Tests Are Administered for Truck Drivers?

The most common types of drug tests administered to truck drivers, in accordance with DOT guidelines, include:

Urine Drug Test: Urine drug testing is the most prevalent method. It screens for a range of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, and more. This test is cost-effective, non-invasive, and provides quick results.

Oral Fluid Test: Also known as a saliva test, this method is gaining popularity due to its ease of administration and ability to detect recent drug use.

What Is the Frequency of Testing?

The frequency of drug testing for truck drivers can vary depending on specific circumstances, including:

Pre-Employment Testing: Truck drivers are required to undergo a pre-employment drug test before beginning employment with a new company.

Random Testing: DOT regulations mandate random drug testing. Trucking companies must ensure that a certain percentage of their CDL holders are tested for drugs each year.

Post-Accident Testing: After certain accidents, drug testing may be required to determine if substance impairment contributed to the incident.

Reasonable Suspicion: If a supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that a driver is impaired, they can request a drug test.

Return-to-Duty Testing: After completing a rehabilitation program for substance abuse, a driver may be subject to a return-to-duty drug test before resuming driving duties.

Is Drug Testing for Truck Drivers Mandatory?

Yes, drug testing for truck drivers is mandatory under DOT regulations. These regulations set forth stringent requirements for CDL holders, ensuring compliance with drug testing policies. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in the suspension or revocation of a driver’s CDL and, consequently, their ability to work as a truck driver.


Drug testing for truck drivers, as mandated by the Department of Transportation, is a crucial safety measure that helps ensure the well-being of drivers, passengers, and other road users. It is not only a legal requirement but also a responsibility that drivers and trucking companies share to maintain the highest standards of safety on our highways. By adhering to these DOT regulations and practices, we can keep our roads safer and the supply chain moving efficiently.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Pre Employment Drug Testing

Pre-employment testing for drugs and alcohol

The Importance of Pre-Employment Drug Testing:
What You Need to Know

In today’s competitive job market, employers are increasingly looking for ways to ensure they hire the best candidates for their organizations. One essential step in the hiring process is pre-employment testing. This practice not only safeguards the workplace but also helps employers make informed decisions when it comes to potential hires. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind pre-employment drug testing, the most common types of drug tests used, the industries where such testing is prevalent, and how these tests are administered.

Why Drug Test for Employment?

Safety and Productivity:

One of the primary reasons for conducting pre-employment drug tests is to ensure a safe and productive work environment. Substance abuse can impair an employee’s judgment, coordination, and cognitive abilities, posing a risk to themselves, their colleagues, and the organization as a whole. By screening candidates for drug use, employers aim to mitigate workplace accidents and injuries.

Legal and Liability Concerns:

Employers may also drug test to protect themselves from legal and liability issues. In certain industries, such as transportation and healthcare, federal regulations mandate drug testing to ensure public safety. Implementing drug testing policies can help employers remain compliant with these regulations and reduce the risk of legal consequences.

What Drug Test is Most Common for Pre-Employment Testing?

The most common drug test used for pre-employment screening is the urine drug test. This test, also known as a urinalysis, detects the presence of drugs and their metabolites in a candidate’s urine. Urine drug tests are popular for their accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and ease of administration.

Types of Jobs That Tend to Have Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Pre-employment drug testing is not limited to specific industries but is more prevalent in certain sectors where safety and security are paramount. Some industries that commonly conduct pre-employment drug testing include:

Transportation and Aviation: Employees in positions involving driving, flying, or operating heavy machinery are often subject to rigorous drug testing due to the potential risks associated with impaired performance.

Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities typically require drug testing to ensure that medical professionals and staff members can provide the best care possible without any impairment.

Government Positions: Many government agencies, including law enforcement, require pre-employment drug testing to maintain public safety and uphold the law.

Construction and Manufacturing: Workers in construction and manufacturing are often exposed to hazardous conditions and equipment. Drug testing helps reduce workplace accidents and maintain productivity.

Administering a Pre-Employment Drug Test

The process of administering a pre-employment drug test typically involves the following steps:

Notification: Once a job offer is extended, the candidate is informed of the requirement to undergo a drug test as a condition of employment.

Schedule the Test: The candidate schedules an appointment with one of our testing facilities.

Sample Collection: At the testing facility, a trained professional collects a urine sample from the candidate.

Laboratory Testing: If the test is not a POCT (Point of Collection Test) or if it is non-negative, the urine sample is sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. The results are typically available within a few business days.

Pre-employment drug testing is a critical step in the hiring process that helps employers maintain a safe and productive workplace, adhere to legal requirements, and promote a drug-free environment. The most common type of drug test used is the urine drug test, and it is prevalent in industries where safety and security are top priorities. By understanding the importance of pre-employment drug testing and how it works, both employers and job seekers can navigate the hiring process more effectively, ultimately contributing to a safer and more responsible workforce.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Random Drug Testing in the Workplace

drug and alcohol testing

Random Drug Testing in the Workplace: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

To achieve a safe and productive workplace, many companies turn to random drug testing as a means to deter substance misuse among their employees. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of random testing in the workplace, its benefits, regulations, and the considerations that employers must keep in mind when implementing such programs.

Random drug testing is a proven strategy for deterring drug and alcohol use in the workplace while promoting safety and health. It plays a crucial role in reducing safety risks, ensuring employee well-being, and maintaining compliance with regulations, such as those set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

Enhanced Workplace Safety: Random drug testing helps identify and deter employees from using drugs or alcohol while on the job, reducing the likelihood of accidents and incidents.

Compliance: For businesses subject to DOT regulations, adhering to random drug testing requirements is not optional but mandatory.

Objectivity: Properly administered random drug tests are conducted objectively, ensuring fairness and minimizing bias.

Deterrence: The knowledge that random tests may occur at any time acts as a powerful deterrent against substance misuse.

How Random Drug Screening Works

Random drug testing programs are designed to ensure fairness and impartiality. Key elements of how these programs work include:

  1. Random Selection: A predetermined percentage of employees is selected annually for testing. Every employee should have an equal chance of being chosen during each selection process.
  2. Computer-Generated Selection: To maintain defensibility and prevent manipulation, computer-generated programs using approved algorithms are employed for employee selection. These algorithms comply with DOT random drug testing time limits.
  3. Best Practices: Industry best practices are followed to create a robust random drug screening program. This includes prohibiting any actions that might increase or decrease an individual’s chances of being selected.

Employer Preparation for Random Testing

While random drug testing is an effective tool, it must be used judiciously and in compliance with legal and ethical standards. Employers must prepare by considering the following:

  1. Justification: Random drug testing should only be implemented when there are inherent safety risks in the workplace that make the work highly dangerous or increase the likelihood of accidents. The policy should be narrowly targeted, using the least intrusive or most accurate testing methods available.
  2. Balancing Interests: Employers must balance their interest in job safety and performance against employees’ rights to privacy and bodily integrity when requesting urine samples or other tests. The employer’s interest should be proportional to any privacy limits imposed on employees.
  3. Gathering Evidence: To justify random testing, employers must gather specific evidence of a significant substance abuse problem in the workplace. Evidence may include observations of employees with alcohol or drug-related signs, reports of work-related incidents, evidence of substances on the job site, and documentation of abuse instances.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Environmental Exposure to Drugs

ChildGuard passive drug test

Why is environmental exposure to drugs dangerous for children?

Environmental exposure to drugs can be dangerous for children due to several reasons including developmental Vulnerability, Lower Body Weight, increased absorption, limited ability to identify and avoid hazards, and long-term effects.

Developmental Vulnerability: Children’s bodies and organ systems are still developing, making them more susceptible to the harmful effects of drugs. Their metabolic and detoxification processes are not as efficient as adults, so they may have difficulty processing and eliminating drugs from their system. This can lead to a higher risk of toxicity and adverse health effects.

Lower Body Weight: Children have a lower body weight compared to adults, which means that even small amounts of drugs or toxic substances can have a more significant impact on their health. The same exposure that may not cause harm to an adult could be potentially harmful or even fatal to a child.

Increased Absorption: Children have a higher surface area-to-body weight ratio, which can enhance the absorption of drugs and toxic substances through the skin, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal tract. This increased absorption can result in higher systemic exposure and a greater risk of adverse effects.

Limited Ability to Identify and Avoid Hazards: Children may not understand the potential dangers associated with drugs or toxic substances. They may be more likely to accidentally ingest or come into contact with medications, household chemicals, or illicit drugs if they are not properly stored or secured. Young children, in particular, are known to explore their environment by putting objects in their mouths.

Long-Term Effects: Exposure to drugs during childhood can have long-lasting effects on health and development. Certain drugs or chemicals can interfere with the normal growth and functioning of organs, impair cognitive development, disrupt hormonal balance, or increase the risk of chronic diseases later in life.

Behavioral Effects: Drugs and toxic substances can also impact a child’s behavior and neurodevelopment. Certain drugs may affect the central nervous system, leading to behavioral changes, learning difficulties, or developmental delays.

To address the concern of environmental exposure to drugs in children, we offer ChildGuard® testing. ChildGuard® testing is specifically designed to detect passive exposure to drugs in children. It is important to note that environmental exposure testing is different from workplace drug testing.

Child hair samples often do not contain drug metabolites because the child has not ingested illicit substances. Standard drug tests commonly use government workplace testing guidelines, which can report negative results even when a native drug is present. This means that workplace guidelines can result in false-negative reporting for drug exposure in children.

In contrast, ChildGuard® testing utilizes hair samples and is 3.5 times more likely to detect methamphetamine exposure compared to standard drug tests. Additionally, ChildGuard® offers the option to test for the D/L methamphetamine isomer, providing professionals with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

ChildGuard® offers a range of panel tests, including 5, 7, 9, and 10 panels, to cater to specific drug exposure testing needs. A positive ChildGuard® test result suggests that the donor has experienced one or more of the following:

– Contact with drug smoke

– Contact with sweat or sebum (skin oil) of a drug user

– Contact with the actual drug

– Accidental or intentional ingestion of the drug(s)

By conducting ChildGuard® testing, professionals can gain valuable insights into a child’s exposure to drugs and take appropriate measures to ensure their health and well-being.

In conclusion, it is crucial to minimize environmental exposure to drugs and toxic substances to safeguard children’s health. Through ChildGuard® testing, professionals can accurately detect passive exposure to drugs in children, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide the necessary support and care.

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs in the Workplace

workplace drug and alcohol testing

One crucial aspect of ensuring workplace safety is implementing a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing program. Companies of all sizes and industries can benefit greatly from having such a program in place as it lowers costs, mitigates safety risks, and reduces company liability. 

Drug use in the workplace can lead to a variety of problems, including accidents, lost productivity, and human error. These issues can be costly to employers in terms of both financial losses and damage to their reputation. Each year substance abuse costs companies billions of dollars. The new Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (CSUCH) report states that substance use cost the Canadian economy $49.1 billion in 2020. Lost productivity attributable to substance use cost $22.4 billion or 45.6% of the total costs. This includes turnover rates for employees, unexcused absences, lower productivity, accidents, and increased workers’ compensation claims.  By implementing a drug testing program, employers can identify potential problems with drug use earlier in the process; this can help mitigate these costs and provide support to employees struggling with substance abuse.

Implementing a drug and alcohol testing program can help identify employees who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, allowing companies to take appropriate action to protect the safety of their workforce. By creating a drug and alcohol-free workplace, companies can significantly reduce the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.

Conducting drug tests can decrease a company’s liability and risk, especially concerning safety matters. By implementing drug testing, employers can potentially detect and address problems before they escalate into major issues. A policy on drug testing also promotes stability and shows that the company is making a reasonable effort to prevent problems. Companies that have employees conducting safety-sensitive or federally regulated work also must have screening programs that meet specific drug & alcohol testing requirements. Implementing a policy that complies with state and federal laws solidifies your blueprint for success.

Commodore Solutions offers a comprehensive range of employee testing services, including Drug and Alcohol Testing. Our testing protocols cover various scenarios, such as pre-employment and pre-access testing, post-incident and reasonable-cause testing, and reasonable-suspicion or random testing that is inline with the industry standard (COAA model).

Legal Considerations or Requirements

Employers may conduct drug or alcohol testing for safety-sensitive jobs. These circumstances include pre-employment, reasonable cause, post-incident, or random testing. However, it’s important to note that drug and alcohol testing in these scenarios are subject to several requirements and restrictions.

So, what is considered a safety-sensitive position? According to the Canada Human Rights Commission, it’s a role where the employee has a direct role in a workplace operation with limited supervision, and impaired performance could result in a catastrophic incident affecting the health and safety of the employee. Additionally, a safety-sensitive position could be one where incapacity due to drug or alcohol impairment could directly injure employees or others in the work environment.

It’s crucial to emphasize that drug testing policies can only be implemented for employees holding safety-sensitive positions.

In conclusion, implementing a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing program is a crucial step for ensuring workplace safety. It not only helps companies to lower costs, mitigate safety risks and reduce company liability, but also provides employees with a safe and healthy working environment. Regardless of the size or industry of the company, a drug and alcohol testing program can play a vital role in protecting the safety of employees and improving overall business performance. By prioritizing workplace safety through such programs, companies can demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their employees and the success of their business.

A Partner For Drug & Alcohol Testing

Find out how we can partner with you to provide the right testing solution for your needs.  Besides drug and alcohol testing we provide the following services:

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Hair Testing

Drug and Alcohol Hair Testing

Hair is a reservoir matrix and can provide a significant amount of historical data for drug and alcohol use/abuse. On average, hair grows at a rate of ~0.5 inches/month and 1.5 inches is tested by the lab to represent an approximate window of the past 90 days.

Collecting samples

Head hair is the most ideal sample type, if that is not available we will collect facial hair (we do not collect body hair). Artificial or chemically treated hair (including coloured hair) will not be accepted.

All certified collectors follow the same systemized collection protocol; hair is cut as close to the scalp as possible from 4-5 different sites around the crown area to collect 100-150 mg (depending on the drug panel), it is then packaged and sealed in the presence of the donor and shipped to the lab via express shipping. Hair is shipped to a certified toxicology lab in the US and takes approximately 1-2 weeks to process.

Hair Strand Testing is available in a clinical setting.  Depending on what you’re testing for, several types of Hair Drug Panel tests are available as well as Childguard Drug Panels.  

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

Cut off Level for Drug and Alcohol Testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing - Lab Procedures

What is a cut-off level?

A cut-off level in drug and alcohol testing is the level at which the concentration of a substance in a sample indicates a safety risk. So if a sample tests below the cut-off level, the test has a negative result.

If a sample is equal to or above the cut-off, the test result is positive unless otherwise noted by a Medical Review Officer.

Commodore Solutions can provide drug and alcohol testing that meets and exceeds industry requirements.  

We can help you develop a drug and alcohol testing program based on your individual business requirements. 

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us.