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Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs in the Workplace

One crucial aspect of ensuring workplace safety is implementing a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing program. Companies of all sizes and industries can benefit greatly from having such a program in place as it lowers costs, mitigates safety risks, and reduces company liability. 

Drug use in the workplace can lead to a variety of problems, including accidents, lost productivity, and human error. These issues can be costly to employers in terms of both financial losses and damage to their reputation. Each year substance abuse costs companies billions of dollars. The new Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (CSUCH) report states that substance use cost the Canadian economy $49.1 billion in 2020. Lost productivity attributable to substance use cost $22.4 billion or 45.6% of the total costs. This includes turnover rates for employees, unexcused absences, lower productivity, accidents, and increased workers’ compensation claims.  By implementing a drug testing program, employers can identify potential problems with drug use earlier in the process; this can help mitigate these costs and provide support to employees struggling with substance abuse.

Implementing a drug and alcohol testing program can help identify employees who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, allowing companies to take appropriate action to protect the safety of their workforce. By creating a drug and alcohol-free workplace, companies can significantly reduce the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.

Conducting drug tests can decrease a company’s liability and risk, especially concerning safety matters. By implementing drug testing, employers can potentially detect and address problems before they escalate into major issues. A policy on drug testing also promotes stability and shows that the company is making a reasonable effort to prevent problems. Companies that have employees conducting safety-sensitive or federally regulated work also must have screening programs that meet specific drug & alcohol testing requirements. Implementing a policy that complies with state and federal laws solidifies your blueprint for success.

Commodore Solutions offers a comprehensive range of employee testing services, including Drug and Alcohol Testing. Our testing protocols cover various scenarios, such as pre-employment and pre-access testing, post-incident and reasonable-cause testing, and reasonable-suspicion or random testing that is inline with the industry standard (COAA model).

Legal Considerations or Requirements

Employers may conduct drug or alcohol testing for safety-sensitive jobs. These circumstances include pre-employment, reasonable cause, post-incident, or random testing. However, it’s important to note that drug and alcohol testing in these scenarios are subject to several requirements and restrictions.

So, what is considered a safety-sensitive position? According to the Canada Human Rights Commission, it’s a role where the employee has a direct role in a workplace operation with limited supervision, and impaired performance could result in a catastrophic incident affecting the health and safety of the employee. Additionally, a safety-sensitive position could be one where incapacity due to drug or alcohol impairment could directly injure employees or others in the work environment.

It’s crucial to emphasize that drug testing policies can only be implemented for employees holding safety-sensitive positions.

In conclusion, implementing a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing program is a crucial step for ensuring workplace safety. It not only helps companies to lower costs, mitigate safety risks and reduce company liability, but also provides employees with a safe and healthy working environment. Regardless of the size or industry of the company, a drug and alcohol testing program can play a vital role in protecting the safety of employees and improving overall business performance. By prioritizing workplace safety through such programs, companies can demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their employees and the success of their business.

A Partner For Drug & Alcohol Testing

Find out how we can partner with you to provide the right testing solution for your needs.  Besides drug and alcohol testing we provide the following services:

To learn more on how Commodore Solutions can help you design and implement your drug and alcohol testing programs, please contact us. 

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